Essay by the artist

"...I was told it was dumb luck for those prisms to have occurred.  I didn't want to believe him, so I keep trying to make it happen. It never works."

Poetry in response by John Donoghue

Presented on the occasion of Joki's exhibition Paintings at William Busta Gallery.

"the more we learn, the less of us there is..."

- excerpt from Atoms by J. Donoghue

Andrea Joki: Unseen

Essay by Douglas Max Utter for Joki's exhibition Moving Pictures at the William Busta Gallery.

"Pools and patches of color glint behind staccato strokes as if wrapped in a storm of black wings...."

Andrea Joki: Crossing

Essay by William Busta for Joki's exhibition Crossing at William Busta Gallery.

"There is always a layering of perception and opposing languages."

Andrea Joki: Multiplicities

Essay by Dan Tranberg for Joki's exhibition Reservoir at William Busta Gallery.

"Her painting demonstrates that Joki’s distinctive sensibility is not a stylistic one. Rather, it is marked by a sophisticated awareness of the ways in which image, idea and process intertwine."